Fruit and Root Relationships

There is a divine shift in relationships in this season. Embrace the process and remain humble. I’ve learnt over the years some are called to your root season whereas others are called to your fruit season.

It’s important to undertsand that both are necessary in your lives and their sudden departure from your life does not mean that they are evil.

Some are called to you when you are in pain and when you are better and can stand on your own two feet God will remove them from your life. There are others who God will keep from you in your season of pain because they don’t have the capacity to handle your vulnerability.
They only have the capacity to walk with you in your season of fruitfulness.

You need people in your life in seasons of fruitfulness to pick and gather the fruits that you will produce. Maturity and discernment will help you to discern these types of people in this season.


Ever feel like you finally get a hang of life and its course, only to be hit with a surprise crossroad that shifts you into a world of decisions and the very thing you thought you finally had control of you no longer could handle? Sounds familiar?

This is Transition. When you think you have mastered Transition on one level, there is always another level that awaits your discovery. God is amazing and He is full of surprises. There is absolutely nothing that takes Him by surprise concerning you but there are times when He allows unexpected shifts which are a surprise to you. I have learnt to welcome every shift as an indication that my journey is speeding up and it means that I am getting closer to my destination called There. Everytime a car has to change gears it allows the car to move at a faster speed. Your ability to shift accelerates your journey.

Transition is your vehicle that ushers you to your place called There. Everytime there is a shift, and a sudden change it means that you are arriving closer to your destination. Everytime life throws a curveball it just means you need to shift. If you experience sudden betrayal or sudden separation of a longstanding relationship that is just destiny disguised as a heartbreak. Trust what the Holy Spirit is doing in this season.

Romans 8v28 states that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose (Amplified Version). The good the bad and the ugly are all working out for your purpose. I was listening to an interview with Pastor Keion Henderson and Dr Matthew Stevenson and Dr Stevenson stated that “Change either happens to you or through you”.

I truly believe the difference is in those who allow themselves to go through the many processes and shifts that life has to throw at oneself, to those who allow themselves to go through this process, are the ones that are used as vessels of change but to the one who refuses change ends up being on the dark side of Change.

The darkside of change is where you end up dealing with the harsh consequences of change. In a crisis, you can tell the difference between those who are prepared and those who were ill prepared. Crisis is only seen as crisis by those who fail to discern the times and prepare. Crisis is seen as an opportunity by those who choose to prepare ahead of the crisis. Look around the world and look at the response to our present crisis. I truly believe that our response is determined by our ability to prepare. Preparation precedes response.

In transition, your preparation will precede your response. Your preparation to be flexible with the curveball of change will determine your ability to navigate through the many stages of transition.

Once you learn the simple principle of ebb and flow (that is knowing when to respond and when to be still), then the many shifts that accompanies Transition will be welcomed as an opportunity rather than a crisis.

God bless you and thank you for reading.

Managing The Season of Nothing’s Happening

Blog 1








For ten years I had to deal with many lows as well as highs and watching what God has done over the last few months (video of my testimony is coming soon), I am led to share a few nuggets of wisdom of how to make it through the seasons of ‘nothing’s happening’. Have you ever found yourself in a place where you are asking God- Lord what are you doing? you almost want to take over the steering wheel of your life and show God how its supposed to be? I have been there so many times and I have even taken the steering wheel from God- because He doesn’t force His perfect will, He stood back and I ended up with a lot of broken bones and bruises- the beauty of God’s love is that He was waiting right there with open arms to nurture me and heal me and redirect and reroute me back to my original place in Him. God is calling you back to that original place of surrender.

It took over nine years for me to learn to be still in the seasons when it seems as if nothing is happening or every dream is about to die. I had failed to recognize that there was an appointed time for every dream and prophetic word to come to pass in my life (I am living in the reality of some of those dreams right now- to God be the glory).

So what do you do when it seems as if GodĀ has forgotten His word over you. Here are a few things that helped me through thoseĀ seasons of hardship and the season of ‘Nothing’s Happening’;

  • Rest–Ā  Resting in God comes with trust and faith and this takes time. In the beginning of my transitional journey but in the middle (that’s the hardest part), this word annoyed me.Ā For me, I found it impossible to rest when all hell was breaking loose in my life such as unemployment, rejection, threat ofĀ  homelessness, unpaid bills andĀ everything else was coming against me all at the same time. When friends and confidants would say be still it really frustrated me until I stepped into the revelation of what it truly meant to rest in God. As long as I was up trying to figure everything out, that’s when God would step back. Ā I was spending most days hustling trying to find a job and nothing wasĀ happening. After being still in the presence of God, Ā I started living out Hebrews chapter 4 without noticing- Ā One evening when I was in an ‘opportunityĀ chasing mood’- the Holy Spirit led me to do something fun and it was nothing to do with work. After being obedient- the Holy Spirit touched the heart of a sister and she released Ā£100 into my account. Another occasion after another moment of serious disappointment , the Lord told me to explore a new area and record an encouraging video, within that same hour another woman of God released Ā£100 to me. Resting in God is not laziness- when you rest in God you are saying God I am letting go off of every idea and I am placing my needs in your hands with the confidence that you are going to fix it- it takes faith toĀ truly release to God andĀ wait for Him to release divine strategies as to what to do or not to do next. Ā When I look at my life now- IĀ think I should have rested more because God knew all along that I would get to where I am now. All I had to do was rest in Him; Instead I stressed out and allowed anxiety to get in and as a result Ā I spent the first few months of my new season recovering from stress related sickness due to all the anxiety and the worrying I encountered through my low season but God was still faithful to bring my dreams into manifestation. Now that I have learnt and I am still learning how to rest in God, things are happening quickly, doors are opening with almost no effort. I think it andĀ if it is according toĀ His will-Ā God provides it. Rest comes with having faith and your faith is developed through reading the word of God and spending time in His presence.


  • Worship– God has been unraveling worship to me throughout this year. Worship does not just happen on a Sunday. Worship is not confined to a Sunday Service. It is that uninterrupted moment between you and the Heavenly father- whether its through singing, dancing praying. Worship is an antidote for the pressures of life. Singing was a form of therapy for me. After suffering closed doors one after the other, I would come home feeling deflated and the Holy Spirit would whisper- just sing- sometimes the pain was so intense I would end up crying whilst singing but after I get into it- the weight I carried throughout the day would just life and from that experience God would start to unravel the revelation behind every closed door.


  • Dream– you have to fight to keep the dream alive- Dreams are powerful. As long as you can keep on dreaming in the midst of adversity, there is nothing that the enemy can do to take you out. Never underestimate your ability to dream. If you can still see the future even in the midst of disappointment and hopelessness I promise you, you will come forth as pure gold. There is an expiration date on your process and season of ‘Nothing’s Happening’.Ā After months and years of disappointments, I fought for my ability to dream- and after every dream I would write down these dreams and release it to God. Dr Mike Murdock says it best- Imagination is your ability to pre-play the future but a memory replays your past.Ā  Where is your focus as you are reading this? Even if something disappointing happened 10 minutes ago, is your focus on the past or is your focus on the future- if you can see the future, you are unstoppable.


  • Plan– It is not enough to just dream through the hardship but in those quiet seasons, plan for the manifestation of your dream. That is the purpose of the ‘Nothing’s Happening’ season. That is where you plan and prepare for the promise. What is that dream home going to look like- whatĀ is the colour scheme. What outfits will you wear to your new job? (90 % of the time when Ā I left my house I dressed like I was going to work in my seasons of unemployment). What does your budget look like when you start to make that dream money? In 2016, I created a ‘dream budget’ ofĀ how I Ā would spend and invest my money when I started getting a steady income. How will you treat that man of God when God releases Him to you (ladies?) or how will you treat that woman of God when God releases her to you (men?)Ā It is easy and free to dream but it costs to birth that dream into manifestation and it all starts with prayerful planning. The key to seeing manifestation is plan and prepare- God will not release to you what you desire if you are not spiritually, physically, emotionally or psychologically ready for the promise (this is for every dream- not just a man/woman).

I have so much more nuggets to share but for now, I will leave you with these. For every reader who will take time to read this, it is my prayer that God will give you staying power to complete your process because at your appointed time, you will come forth as pure gold. I pray God’s supernatural strength over you and as your days are so shall your strength be. God bless you and thank you for reading.


Refresh And Restore

We are in a season of refreshing and restoration- 2Kings 8:1-6; Take hold of it. God has seen the tears you have cried. He has seen the seeds you have sown. There is getting ready to be a deluge of supernatural blessings and breakthroughs. 1Kings 18:41. In this season He will pour out His spirit upon you to recover all- 1Samuel 30:8. He will pour out His Spirit upon you to possess your promise.

God’s healing power is being released upon you. You will now have the attitude of Caleb where you will see that you are well able to possess the land. You will no longer see yourself as a grasshopper Numbers 13: 30-31. New strategies will be given to you in your quiet time with the Lord. Listen and take heed to what is being spoken to you. The next set of strategies are necessary for the possession of your promise.

Refresh- give new strength or energy to reinvigorate.

Restoration- the action of returning something to a former owner, place or condition.

God bless you and thank you for reading.

No More Tight Shoes

As I was reflecting two weeks ago on the year 2016. I started talking to the Lord about relationships both business and personal that left me either confused or hurt. As I was speaking about the lessons I had learnt from those relationships, I heard His still small voice. “When you wear tight shoes, you will get corns on your toes” (gruesome but true). I asked the Lord to expand and He took me on a journey to discover what He meant. 

The tight shoes represents relationships and environments- stop trying to fit into relationships and environments that do not have the capacity to accommodate you. The consequences of wearing tight shoes is that you get corns. When you get corns, you have to go through the painful process of getting that special blade to cut it down. I had it in 2009 it was awfully painful and I had to use that special blade. Before I got the blade I was using those cushions to make the pain less intense. That is what we sometimes do when we have tight shoes, we wear plasters and cushions to “ease the pain” that comes with tight shoes. This is what we do in “tight” relationships- we make excuses for them, we have hope that the day the shoe (relationship) will loosen to fit you. In this case you are more focused on the potential rather than the reality of the fact that it is too tight. Another fact about having corns- when you have them you cannot even wear the shoes that fit you without feeling excruciating pain. 

Feet- represents your Destiny. Your destiny is the path you choose to take in order to fulfil your purpose. The choices you make in terms of your relationship has the ability to propel you to or delay you from your place of purpose. 

Every time you allow the wrong people in your life- you run the risk of getting corns in your destiny. When the right people or opportunities show up, it hurts too much to enjoy what God has prepared for you. So a word of advice for 2017, stay away from relationships, opportunities and environments that have shown themselves to be too “small” to accommodate you. This is your year to soar like an eagle. 
God bless you all and thank you for reading.  

Pregnant With A DreamĀ 

The last few days I have been thinking about the process of giving birth. I just launched a dream that God had placed in my heart since May 2013. It felt like I had given birth. Though I have never given birth physically yet, the Lord showed me that I was going through the process of giving birth spiritually. 

When a woman first finds out that she is pregnant, she does not tell everyone, she will wait a few weeks before she announces her good news. When a dream is conceived in you, you have to keep that dream to yourself for a season as there are a group of people out there who have allowed themselves to be employed as dream killers. Guard your dream like your whole life depends on it. Secondly, there is a nine month waiting period after conception. The same day you get the dream, is not the same day you will give birth to it. The waiting period is there to allow the baby to develop and grow, your dream has to be developed and you have to prepare for your dream. The waiting period is there for you to study and to prepare for what you are about to give birth to.Thirdly, the expecting mother starts to change her diet to make sure that both her and her baby are healthy . When a dream is conceived in you, you have to feed it with the word of God, worship and surround yourself with positivity. You cannot allow yourself to be stressed out. Your environment has to be conducive for the growth taking place on the inside of you.

Fourthly, she will start to surround herself with other expecting mothers. Your social circle has to change. You have to surround yourself with other people who are carrying a dream as well. When Mary conceived Jesus, she went to  stay with Elizabeth her cousin who was also expecting; only Elizabeth would have been able to understand the supernatural experience as Elizabeth had a similar experience(Luke 1:39-45).You have to surround yourself with like minded people in this season of your life. There are different symptoms that come with different stages within pregnancy. Most women experience morning sickness and a mirage of other things. When you first conceive your dream, you may have anxiety, you will feel fearful, you will start to disqualify yourself, you will go through emotional changes, you will be happy and excited.The mother’s belly will start to grow as the baby grows, as you grow, your dream will start to grow as well. When you get a dream, you don’t get the full picture, it will start as an embryo, then it will grow until it reaches full term. 

How you know that you are getting ready to give birth to your dream, is that you will start to feel pain in the form of life’s circumstances. You will start to feel braxton hicks (false labour- prepares you for the real birth). When the real labour is here, your waters will break and the pain will intensify. At the beginning of September, I started crying for no reason, the Lord showed me that my waters had broken in the spirit. The warfare became intense, but it was not yet time to push. When a woman’s water is broken, she still has to wait until she is 10cm dilated before she can give birth. I want to encourage you that you are pregnant with a dream. Whether you are 3,6 or 9 months pregnant, hold on because the day for you to give birth is coming. For some of you reading this, your time is now. Stay tuned for part 2.

God bless you and thank you for reading.