
Ever feel like you finally get a hang of life and its course, only to be hit with a surprise crossroad that shifts you into a world of decisions and the very thing you thought you finally had control of you no longer could handle? Sounds familiar?

This is Transition. When you think you have mastered Transition on one level, there is always another level that awaits your discovery. God is amazing and He is full of surprises. There is absolutely nothing that takes Him by surprise concerning you but there are times when He allows unexpected shifts which are a surprise to you. I have learnt to welcome every shift as an indication that my journey is speeding up and it means that I am getting closer to my destination called There. Everytime a car has to change gears it allows the car to move at a faster speed. Your ability to shift accelerates your journey.

Transition is your vehicle that ushers you to your place called There. Everytime there is a shift, and a sudden change it means that you are arriving closer to your destination. Everytime life throws a curveball it just means you need to shift. If you experience sudden betrayal or sudden separation of a longstanding relationship that is just destiny disguised as a heartbreak. Trust what the Holy Spirit is doing in this season.

Romans 8v28 states that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose (Amplified Version). The good the bad and the ugly are all working out for your purpose. I was listening to an interview with Pastor Keion Henderson and Dr Matthew Stevenson and Dr Stevenson stated that “Change either happens to you or through you”.

I truly believe the difference is in those who allow themselves to go through the many processes and shifts that life has to throw at oneself, to those who allow themselves to go through this process, are the ones that are used as vessels of change but to the one who refuses change ends up being on the dark side of Change.

The darkside of change is where you end up dealing with the harsh consequences of change. In a crisis, you can tell the difference between those who are prepared and those who were ill prepared. Crisis is only seen as crisis by those who fail to discern the times and prepare. Crisis is seen as an opportunity by those who choose to prepare ahead of the crisis. Look around the world and look at the response to our present crisis. I truly believe that our response is determined by our ability to prepare. Preparation precedes response.

In transition, your preparation will precede your response. Your preparation to be flexible with the curveball of change will determine your ability to navigate through the many stages of transition.

Once you learn the simple principle of ebb and flow (that is knowing when to respond and when to be still), then the many shifts that accompanies Transition will be welcomed as an opportunity rather than a crisis.

God bless you and thank you for reading.

Managing The Season of Nothing’s Happening

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For ten years I had to deal with many lows as well as highs and watching what God has done over the last few months (video of my testimony is coming soon), I am led to share a few nuggets of wisdom of how to make it through the seasons of ‘nothing’s happening’. Have you ever found yourself in a place where you are asking God- Lord what are you doing? you almost want to take over the steering wheel of your life and show God how its supposed to be? I have been there so many times and I have even taken the steering wheel from God- because He doesn’t force His perfect will, He stood back and I ended up with a lot of broken bones and bruises- the beauty of God’s love is that He was waiting right there with open arms to nurture me and heal me and redirect and reroute me back to my original place in Him. God is calling you back to that original place of surrender.

It took over nine years for me to learn to be still in the seasons when it seems as if nothing is happening or every dream is about to die. I had failed to recognize that there was an appointed time for every dream and prophetic word to come to pass in my life (I am living in the reality of some of those dreams right now- to God be the glory).

So what do you do when it seems as if God has forgotten His word over you. Here are a few things that helped me through those seasons of hardship and the season of ‘Nothing’s Happening’;

  • Rest–  Resting in God comes with trust and faith and this takes time. In the beginning of my transitional journey but in the middle (that’s the hardest part), this word annoyed me. For me, I found it impossible to rest when all hell was breaking loose in my life such as unemployment, rejection, threat of  homelessness, unpaid bills and everything else was coming against me all at the same time. When friends and confidants would say be still it really frustrated me until I stepped into the revelation of what it truly meant to rest in God. As long as I was up trying to figure everything out, that’s when God would step back.  I was spending most days hustling trying to find a job and nothing was happening. After being still in the presence of God,  I started living out Hebrews chapter 4 without noticing-  One evening when I was in an ‘opportunity chasing mood’- the Holy Spirit led me to do something fun and it was nothing to do with work. After being obedient- the Holy Spirit touched the heart of a sister and she released £100 into my account. Another occasion after another moment of serious disappointment , the Lord told me to explore a new area and record an encouraging video, within that same hour another woman of God released £100 to me. Resting in God is not laziness- when you rest in God you are saying God I am letting go off of every idea and I am placing my needs in your hands with the confidence that you are going to fix it- it takes faith to truly release to God and wait for Him to release divine strategies as to what to do or not to do next.  When I look at my life now- I think I should have rested more because God knew all along that I would get to where I am now. All I had to do was rest in Him; Instead I stressed out and allowed anxiety to get in and as a result  I spent the first few months of my new season recovering from stress related sickness due to all the anxiety and the worrying I encountered through my low season but God was still faithful to bring my dreams into manifestation. Now that I have learnt and I am still learning how to rest in God, things are happening quickly, doors are opening with almost no effort. I think it and if it is according to His will- God provides it. Rest comes with having faith and your faith is developed through reading the word of God and spending time in His presence.


  • Worship– God has been unraveling worship to me throughout this year. Worship does not just happen on a Sunday. Worship is not confined to a Sunday Service. It is that uninterrupted moment between you and the Heavenly father- whether its through singing, dancing praying. Worship is an antidote for the pressures of life. Singing was a form of therapy for me. After suffering closed doors one after the other, I would come home feeling deflated and the Holy Spirit would whisper- just sing- sometimes the pain was so intense I would end up crying whilst singing but after I get into it- the weight I carried throughout the day would just life and from that experience God would start to unravel the revelation behind every closed door.


  • Dream– you have to fight to keep the dream alive- Dreams are powerful. As long as you can keep on dreaming in the midst of adversity, there is nothing that the enemy can do to take you out. Never underestimate your ability to dream. If you can still see the future even in the midst of disappointment and hopelessness I promise you, you will come forth as pure gold. There is an expiration date on your process and season of ‘Nothing’s Happening’. After months and years of disappointments, I fought for my ability to dream- and after every dream I would write down these dreams and release it to God. Dr Mike Murdock says it best- Imagination is your ability to pre-play the future but a memory replays your past.  Where is your focus as you are reading this? Even if something disappointing happened 10 minutes ago, is your focus on the past or is your focus on the future- if you can see the future, you are unstoppable.


  • Plan– It is not enough to just dream through the hardship but in those quiet seasons, plan for the manifestation of your dream. That is the purpose of the ‘Nothing’s Happening’ season. That is where you plan and prepare for the promise. What is that dream home going to look like- what is the colour scheme. What outfits will you wear to your new job? (90 % of the time when  I left my house I dressed like I was going to work in my seasons of unemployment). What does your budget look like when you start to make that dream money? In 2016, I created a ‘dream budget’ of how I  would spend and invest my money when I started getting a steady income. How will you treat that man of God when God releases Him to you (ladies?) or how will you treat that woman of God when God releases her to you (men?) It is easy and free to dream but it costs to birth that dream into manifestation and it all starts with prayerful planning. The key to seeing manifestation is plan and prepare- God will not release to you what you desire if you are not spiritually, physically, emotionally or psychologically ready for the promise (this is for every dream- not just a man/woman).

I have so much more nuggets to share but for now, I will leave you with these. For every reader who will take time to read this, it is my prayer that God will give you staying power to complete your process because at your appointed time, you will come forth as pure gold. I pray God’s supernatural strength over you and as your days are so shall your strength be. God bless you and thank you for reading.


Dealing With Rejection In The Church (Part 2)

Rejection Poster 2

“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success”- Bo Bennett

Below are a few points on dealing with rejection in the church;

1.Understand that rejection is redirection and relocation to your new place of purpose and destiny- Joseph’s brothers rejected him and that rejection led him to the pit which ushered him to Pharaoh’s palace.

2. Sometimes God will allow rejection to happen to redirect your focus to God as your only source.

3. When rejection happens in the church (the people), it is an indication that what you are carrying is far too big for the reject-er to handle. Healing from rejection starts when you realise that the same people who have rejected you may  have also been rejected.

4. Healing begins when you start to experience the unconditional love of God through His word and worship.

5. Healing begins when you accept the rejection- accepting that the rejection has taken starts the healing process and you will start to see that  the issue does not lie with you but the issue lies with the reject-er. Please note that acceptance of the rejection is different to reacting to the rejection.

6. Healing from rejection within the church starts when you stop reacting to it- my mentor said to me a few years ago that rejection is not valid if you are chasing the person who has and is rejecting you- it is when you keep reacting to their rejection- that is when the pain of rejection is birthed .

7. Accept that the person does not have the capacity to love you- they cannot give you what they do not have and that is when you will get the power to love again.

8. Understand that the church (the people) is not perfect. Everyone is wounded and hurt in some type of way. The Church is like a hospital, everyone who visits the hospital has an ailment and it is the same with the church, everyone who attends has an ailment in their spirit, soul and body and have come to see the chief physician which is Jesus Christ for their healing.

9. Disappointment in the form of rejection happens when you place unrealistic expectations on others and when you are looking for approval from people instead of God; no one can love you or accept you like God can.

10. Remember that you have been rejected for a purpose and that Jesus loves you.

God bless you and thank you for reading.




Dealing With Rejection In The Church (Part 1)

For the past few weeks I have been writing on rejection, what it is, the characteristics of rejection, fear of rejection and self rejection. I wrote on the fact that when rejection happens, it is because the environment that you are looking to for acceptance is incapable of handling the greatness that is on the inside of you.

I would like to focus on rejection in the church. There are so many wounded souls within the church and there are so many who have left the church because they have been rejected by leaders and others who have been set to watch over and protect them. I am writing this blog to all those who have suffered rejection in the one place that you expected to be accepted- The Church.

So who and what is The Church?

The Church is commonly defined as a building used for public worship; many people refer to the church as an organisation- but the word church in the bible comes from the Greek word Ecclesia which means a called out company or assembly- whenever the word church is used in the bible, it is referring to people- 1 Corinthians 1v2. So when I am talking about being rejected in the church, I am talking about being rejected by the people who are the church not God- you see Jesus’ love for you is unconditional and nothing that you do could ever make God reject you or stop loving you.  One thing that helped my healing process from rejection was that;

The Rejecter has also been rejected

I see a cycle within the body of Christ, there are so many leaders who have been rejected by their spiritual fathers, that has created this vicious cycle of rejection. What we have are rejected spiritual sons and daughters turning into spiritual mothers and fathers who are now rejecting their spiritual sons and daughters. It takes a level of maturity and getting into a place of revelation to see the spirit behind rejection within the church. The result of this type of rejection is that there are spiritual sons and daughters who have and are still walking around not understanding their identity and looking to other spiritual fathers/mothers for the spiritual validation that should have been given to them by their spiritual fathers.


The solution to this is seeking God and discovering what God is saying about you- your identity and purpose is found in God and oftentimes, I believe that God will purposely hide your call and assignment from the man of God. I am not saying this is always the case because the man of God is set to guide, guard and protect you. However, God does not always reveal everything to the man of God concerning you. I experienced this is in my personal life, I could not understand why my spiritual father at the time could not see what God was telling me about my purpose and destiny- my purpose got so intense that I could barely sleep or eat. I had to step outside of the boat and with that decision came rejection.

Was I upset? yes, I was on the verge of bitterness especially when I had dealt with my natural father not being in my life throughout my teenage years but in my metamorphosis process, God began to show me that rejection meant redirection and where I was positioned at the time, my environment could no longer accommodate the greatness that I was carrying on the inside of me. I started to love and appreciate my leaders from my past as, if they had accepted me and approved of me, I would have remained in the same place; I recognised that my leaders may have also experienced rejection at some point in their lives and may not have noticed that they were passing on the same treatment. I started seeing God’s hand in the rejection. The rejection was just a vehicle that was transporting me to my place of purpose and destiny.

God bless you and thank you for reading 


Stepping Out Into the Unknown (Part 1)

Stepping Into The Unknown

It was in the month of May 2013, that the Lord gave me the scripture Genesis chapter 12v1. Months later, I started hearing different people preaching on the same scripture and I knew that God was trying to get my attention. I remembered the first time the Lord led me to this scripture, I immediately sensed that the Lord was calling me out of where I was in order to go to another dimension in Him. God  started telling me to resign from different departments I was involved with in my church at the time. I did not understand why. The final ministry He had told me to resign from was the youth department. One year later He told me to hand in my resignation and leave the ministry where I was a minister. The Lord had showed me the city, but He did not tell where I was going to live or how I was going to survive. He told me to go.

In Genesis 12v1, God told Abram to leave his country, his relatives and his father’s house and go to a land that God will show him. It is important to understand that destiny has a place. We are all called to purpose. And if you truly grasp that, then you will experience at some point in your lifetime when God will call you out into the unknown. When this occurs God will either give you a word of instruction or a word of direction. You see, a word of direction is often vague and not very clear whereas a word of instruction is very clear and detailed. Abram was given a word of direction.

Whenever you receive a word of direction, your faith in God is what will be the driving force. It takes courage to step out without clear information. I have found that when God calls you out, He will show you the end of the journey and the blessings that are waiting for you on the other side. He will always show you the promise that is waiting at the end of your obedience. You see this in verses 2-3 of chapter 12. Your miracle is hidden in your obedience to the instruction that God gives you. In verse 4, Abram takes the brave journey and leaves with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot.

One of the first principles the Lord had taught me in stepping out is that in order to go to the next level, there are some relationships that you have to let go of. It is easier said than done but it is absolutely necessary. The Lord had told Abram to leave his country and his kindred but he still took Lot with him. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Genesis 13v5-6 highlights this point that where you are going, some of your relationships cannot contain or even fathom what God is about to do for you. They cannot handle it. It does not mean they are bad people, t just means that right now in your journey, you have come to a place where you have to go alone. Do not allow guilt to weigh you down. Abraham probably felt the responsibility to bring Lot along with him because Lot’s father had died. But God’s instructions were very clear. When we refuse to let go off of relationships that God has instructed us to, the next thing that will come is strife. In Genesis 13:7, strife came between the herdsmen of Abram and the herdsmen of Lot. Sometimes strife is a blessing because it puts you back on track and onto God’s original plan so that you can accomplish His will for your life.

Abram and Lot separated and Abram stayed in Canaan and Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom. The next thing that happened blew my mind, in verse 14 of chapter 13, the Lord tells Abram to “lift up his eyes and look…..” In verse 15, God makes another promise to Abram. Lot had to leave before God could give him a word of instruction. Whilst he was with Lot, God still spoke with Abram, He still protected Abram when they entered Egypt, but Lot had to go before the plan was unveiled. So my question is, how many of you as a result of disobedience are delaying the word of instruction that the Lord has for you? How many of you are refusing to let go off of dead relationships or relationships that love you so much that they are stifling the very purpose that God has for your life? I am here to declare to you that it is time to arise, step out and step into the destiny that God has for you.

The first requirement of stepping out into the unknown is , letting go of relationships  that is preventing you from moving forward. You have to forsake the old and embrace the new. What you are willing to let go of determines what God will bless you with. I discovered this for myself; the relationships that I have formed since I have moved are priceless. I say this in humility, if I had stayed in the same place holding onto the same people and relationships, I would have missed out on the wealth of relationships and connections that I have now and I know God is only just beginning.

When I transitioned to my new city, the first instruction the Lord gave me was to shut down every communication I had with people and mentors from my previous city. This was hard for me because these relationships meant a lot to me. But God said let go and I did. And can I be honest? It was the best decision of my life, what I know now cannot be compared to what I knew then and I believe that is what had happened to Abram, when he said good bye to the unnecessary weight, that was when he was able to lift up his eyes and look; he was able to handle the instruction of the Lord concerning his life and his household.  It is my prayer that God will give you the courage to step out into the unknown and experience His abundance in Jesus Name Amen. This will be done in a series, because God is pouring a lot into me concerning this topic so stay tuned.

May God bless you and thank you for reading.

Take The Labels Off

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During my journey, last year November the Lord asked me who are you? I said to the Lord You know who I am, You created me. But He kept asking me ‘who are you? So I took pen and paper and I started writing and what came after that blew my mind. I was shocked that this was what God thought of me. I know He loves me but He started to reveal to me what His idea of me was according to His word. It was defining moment for me.  After this, I heard Him say ‘Take the labels off’.

After this, I realised that oftentimes when in a new environment or when you have been through a lot of adversity, people have a way of labelling you based on where you are, or where you have been. I realise that when people do not understand you, they tend to put a label on you in order to accommodate their small capacity to handle you. I realised that throughout my teenage years, I was walking around with these labels. Before I go any further, I want to explore the definition of labels.

Labels- “A classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive”.

This definition is very relevant to this topic. Two words in this definition stand out ‘Inaccurate and Restrictive’. Labels are often inaccurate because labels are often rooted in gossip or rumours about a person. Sometimes the individual being labelled has no idea what is being said about them. But words are spiritual and death and life are in the power of the tongue. Words spoken good or bad has the ability to attach themselves to a person’s life. That is why you have to consistently pray against every word spoken against you in judgement as stated in Isaiah chapter 54v17. For something to be inaccurate, it is false, anything that is spoken over your life that is contrary to the word of God, is inaccurate. To restrict is to impose restrictions on someone’s activities or freedom. When I think of the word restrict, I think of a prison and a bolted box.

This is what labels do to a person; because they are false it puts a person in a mental prison that stops them from being productive. What labels do to a person, they tell that person that they can only go so far. For example, a person who grew up in a single parent home can only go so far, this child is not expected to excel however I thank God there are so many people in society today including myself who have disproved this theory ( first in the immediate family Glory to God). Another example is, ‘you are a woman, women are not supposed to….. and I will let those who read this finish the sentence because there are so many things that we have heard in that sentence. I am a woman, so I have heard many limited views on what I could or could not do. Or ‘you are single so you cannot…. You will never go anywhere in life.  I think you get the idea now. If you have walked around with similar labels, I want you to write them out then burn those labels and replace those labels with what God has said about you.

I realised that throughout my teenage years, I was walking with the labels that people had placed on me, and I already mentioned a few in the last paragraph.

Last year November was when God started talking to me about my identity, He took me on a journey of self discovery and He started to reveal to me His perspective of me. I came to realise that all of the hard trials I had gone through, it has brought out and unleashed an anointing in me which has released gifts that I had no idea was on the inside of me. The labels placed upon me were also good labels such as ‘I can see you as a Pastor, First lady, and warrior. The truth is people may have seen all these qualities in me but I recognised that my true identity came from His word. Those were just titles but my identity is not found in what I do. My identity is not in my business, it is not in what I do, it is found in the word, and in God’s word are His thoughts towards me. In my journey, God had to strip me of everything that I was so that I could become what He has called me to be and this is a journey, it takes a lifetime and eternity to become who God has destined for you to become.

I have found that if you do not know who you are, there are people who will try to label you to fit into their little box of who they think you should be.

The Lord used the example of David and Saul in 1Samuel 17v38-39, when David was getting ready to fight Goliath, and Saul attempted to put his armour on David. The Lord revealed to me that the armour can be used as a representation of the labels people will try to put on you. But David identified that He could not wear Saul’s armour because he had not proved it. David could only prove God’s word. That was a defining moment for David. You see you cannot use someone else’s armour and win. Your victory is hidden in you discovering your identity and your uniqueness. When you know who and whose you are, you will become unstoppable. Impossibilities will be made possible. Labels weigh you down. Labels block your ability to be creative because it restricts you to be and do certain things. Labels make you feel like you cannot aim higher than where you are. It chokes out every potential and it releases limitations over the lives of those who allows it to. Your journey to destiny begins when you start peeling away the labels. Labels tell you how far you can go and how much you can do. But God who created you and He  knows your beginning to your end and He is calling you into the realm where impossibilities are made possible. So I dare you to take the labels off and step into your potentiality.

God bless you and thank you for reading.

Exchange Your Garments for God’s Glory

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Throughout the scriptures, we often read about those who had gone through the hardest of times, and after breaking through, they are commanded to change their clothes or their names. We have Joseph who after going from the pit to prison, when the call came for him to go before Pharaoh, we read in Genesis chapter 41, that he shaved himself and he had put on new clothes. We have Abram, after stepping out by faith to God’s instruction; he experiences a name change in Genesis 17v5 from Abram to Abraham and Jacob in Genesis 35v10 whose name was changed from Jacob to Israel. We read in the book of Ruth chapter 3v3, where Naomi instructs Ruth to wash herself, change her clothes and anoint herself.

In Zechariah chapter 3v4, we read about Joshua standing before the angel with filthy garments and the angel says in verse 4 that he will clothe Joshua with a change of raiment, which means clothing. This blog has been inspired by an anointed woman of God called Pastor Enid Stewart, she preached about ‘Changing Your Garment for the Exchange of His Glory’.  This message resonated in my spirit so much that the Lord led me to research the meaning of Glory. Seeing that this is my favourite word, I was excited but trying to figure out what the word Glory had to do with clothing. Upon researching the word glory, I found that there are many interpretations of Glory from the Greek and the Hebrew translations. I will not bore you with all of the words but I will use one from the Hebrew and one from the Greek;  in the Old Testament, one of the words used to describe Glory is kabod which means to be heavy or abundant. In the Greek, glory is interpreted as doxa which means the opinion/perception of God. I discovered that in the Old Testament, the concept of glory falls into three main areas. Firstly, in terms of volume, glory can be interpreted as the sheer notion of weight. This can be extended into the concept of presence whether it is through swelling, cloaking or sheer inherent magnificence. And thirdly, the notion of praiseworthiness, shining or brilliance described as glory.

So the principle basis of glory in the Hebrew is the weight or immensity of something. On the other hand, the Greek word for glory (doxa) speaks to the perception of something as being good. So when God’s glory is on you, He sees you as good no matter what may be happening in your life in this present time or what you may have done in the past. So what has glory got to do with changing your clothing? The Lord used the symbol of clothing to speak to me concerning my identity. Clothing in this context represents the opinion and the labels that people have put on me based on my past and present circumstances. You see, the Greek meaning for Glory is doxa which is the opinion of God, He told me to begin to exchange my garment of man’s opinion and replace it with the opinion of God. As I began to do this, there was a confidence that came over me, which I will now call ‘Godfidence’ that whatever He says about me and whatever He tells me to do, I can do it.

To carry the glory of God, this means that you carry the opinion of God, which in turn creates an atmosphere for God’s presence, because every time you open up your mouth, He has no other choice but to show up because you are His opinion, every time that you open up your mouth, you speak His opinion. Where do you find God’s opinion? You find God’s opinion in the Bible and spending time in His presence.  When you change your garments that is when God can present you before His people to carry out the assignment that is on your life. As long as you continue to walk in the old garments of people’s labeling and  opinions of you, you will never truly discover who you are in God and what you were created to do. So I encourage you today to change your garments and make an exchange for the glory (doxa) of God. God bless you and thank you for reading…..

Mephibosheth Arise

In 2 Samuel 9, we see a story unfold about a young man by the name of Mephibosheth. In chapter 9v1, David asks the question ‘Is there any that is left of the house of Saul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake”?

Before I continue, there is someone asking about you and they are on the search for you to bless you. 

So David finds Ziba, a servant of the house of Saul and asks about Mephibosheth. In verse 4, Ziba identifies Mephibosheth based on his current situation , he does not even call him by his name. How many people have defined you based on your past or present circumstances? Even Mephibosheth started to define himself based on his present circumstances in verse 8, he allowed his situation to form his identity and he described himself as a “dead dog”. Oftentimes people will try to label you because of an event in your life which will then cause you to see yourself with the perspective of your past or present difficulty; this is a dangerous place to be. But not so, you are never defined by what you have been through or what you are going through. Your identity comes from and is in God.

Ziba in verse 4 then goes on to describe where Mephibosheth is located, at this point he still has not identified him by his name. I already have an issue with Ziba but I will leave that for another blog. In verse 4, we are told that Mephibosheth is located in Lodebar. Lodebar in the hebrew language means pasture less, it is a dry place. Because of his condition which was caused by Saul’s dishonour (future blog), this lameness led him to a dry place. Are you where you are because of someone else’s mistake? , it is often said that  no one can determine the outcome of your destiny without your permission but here Mephibosheth had no control over his disability because he was made lame at the age of five years old (2Samuel 4v4) because the nurse had heard the news of his father and grandfather’s death so the nurse was trying to be a helper of destiny because she knew that Mephibosheth would be next to be killed but upon trying to escape she drops him and he is lame as result. Who has dropped you in life which has made you lame? Who has rejected you which has led to such intense pain that you cannot move forward? What is stopping you from moving forward? Is it that abusive past or parent or abusive spouse, is it shame? Is it your finances? Is it ill health? What has made you lame?

The feet is often a metaphor for destiny, it is about movement. Feet are positioned to go forward. Lameness is an attack against one’s destiny. Being lame prevents one from moving. Mephibosheth was in a place of dependency.  He was the grandson of a king, he had an inheritance but there he was living in a dry place. This is an oxymoron. His life was a contradiction. Do you see and hear what God has said about you but it does not look like it in reality? Be encouraged, that is about to change. Even though he was in this dry place, it did not take away from him the fact that he was the grandson of a previous king.  So I ask again what has made you lame? I am here to declare to you that whatever your lame situation is, God is sending a David to restore you back to your place of inheritance. Do not allow your past or present circumstances to define your destiny. What you have been through and what you may be going through right now does not diminish the fact that you are a child of a king. So I say whoever you are Mephibosheth, it is time to arise and allow yourself to be repositioned at the king’s table.

God bless you and thank you for reading